Start, again

I’m sure we can all relate to experiencing the excitement of a new-found dream, whether it be a new career goal, a new business venture or a new vision that God has placed on your heart. The prospects of greater opportunities or greater impact for God’s Kingdom have us stoked for what lies ahead.

Then at some point challenges come. Disappointments shake our faith. Life happens. But it’s at that place we are faced with a decision—give up or start again?

I’ve certainly been at that place numerous times at different stages of my life. And each time has taught me to pray—to my heavenly Father—and simply believe that He has heard me and will act according to His will (and my good). Essentially, I've come to the same conclusion each time I've been tempted to give up: either I believe God—and trust Him with my life—or I don’t.

You see, I had this crazy idea to step out in faith and launch Fresh Faith Apparel. This was my opportunity to do something more for God based on His command in Matthew 28:18 - 20. The vision of Fresh Faith Apparel was (and still is) that our products would be a tool through which Jesus, His love and Truth would be shared and disciples would be made. We also seek to offer Ankara collections that provide a modest alternative to bold fashionable designs.  

Little did I know that months later I would be starting a new job with many new responsibilities and time commitments! I also did not expect the hurdles and delays that came with this journey. But equally I’ve seen God move and provide in ways beyond what I expected, as only He can. Side note: this website is literally evidence of that truth!

So, the next time you’re faced with a choice to give up—don’t! Even if it means starting again, do it! As a follower of Jesus remember, God—the Creator of all things—is with you and is watching over His word to perform it in your life! So start (or start again) and move forward with God, fearlessly doing all He has called you to do.


  • Are there any thing(s) that God has called or instructed me to do but I’ve put off?
  • Have I allowed fear, insecurity, doubt or anything else cloud my faith in God’s promises?
  • Read Numbers 13 & 14. Be honest—which of the spies is your current perspective most like?
  • Now talk to God about it. Tell Him how you feel in light of this and ask the Holy Spirit to help you in whatever area(s) you need it most.

Check out these scriptures for more encouragement:

Proverbs 19:21 | Proverbs 16:3,9 | Habakkuk 2:2 | Ephesians 3:20 | Luke 1:37 

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am our God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Isaiah 41:10